Advertising Info

Further information on advertising features at

Option 1 - Featured Adverts

Featured adverts appear on the home page by way of a large banner (size 290 x 180), a few lines of text, phone number and opening times info. All new and renewed adverts start life at the very top of the list, after which they enter a random rotation cycle which places the advert in a different position on the home page on every page visit/refresh.
If required, we can design an attractive banner for our advertisers free of charge.

Option 2 - Photo Listing Top Sponsor

The Photo Sponsor Top Listing appears at the top of the page at, on the top 2 lines, by way of a banner (size 290 x 180) which links directly to your site. A maximum of 6 spaces only available.
If required, we can design an attractive banner for our advertisers free of charge.

Option 3 - Agency Sponsor Banner

The Agency Sponsor banner is a large rectangular banner appearing on the agencies page at A maximum of 10 positions are available.
If required, we can design an attractive banner for our advertisers free of charge.

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